Supporting local law enforcement through
recognition, respect, and appreciation.

Our local officers deserve your support!

Enhancing Law Enforcement Training with MILO Range Systems

Empowering Effective Training

The MILO training system offers a comprehensive solution for law enforcement agencies, providing instructors with the tools to assess trainee engagement through immersive, scenario-based exercises. Detailed debriefing and after-action reviews enable a thorough analysis of performance.

Interactive Digital Force-Options Simulator

Designed for law enforcement and community groups, MILO Range Systems offer an interactive digital force-options simulator. This cutting-edge technology allows for training on a multitude of topics, adapting to the evolving challenges faced by law enforcement.

Versatile Training Scenarios

Modern simulator technology enables the creation of diverse real-world situations with varying outcomes. From car stops to handling emotionally disturbed persons (EDPs), MILO simulators cover a wide range of scenarios crucial for law enforcement training.

Controlled and Consistent Testing Platform

MILO Range Systems provide a controlled and consistent testing platform for multiple agencies and community groups. Video-based scenarios offer numerous outcomes, allowing trainees to exercise judgment and witness the consequences of their decisions.

Tailored Training for Critical Situations

Training topics include mental health and crisis recognition and intervention, ensuring officers are equipped to handle challenging situations effectively. Scenarios can be tailored to simulate specific outcomes, offering invaluable preparation for real-life encounters.

Trusted Worldwide

MILO training simulators have earned the trust of demanding law enforcement, military, and public safety agencies worldwide. Selected for their effectiveness, these systems are in daily use, contributing to the continuous improvement of law enforcement training practices.

Join Us in Strengthening Law Enforcement Training

Ready to make a difference? Your support can help us acquire the MILO Range System, revolutionizing law enforcement training in Benton County. Click the button below to donate safely and securely with PayPal. Together, we can ensure our officers are equipped with the best tools and training to serve and protect our community. Every contribution counts. Join us today!

Friends of the Benton County Sheriff's Office

Filling in the Gap

FBCSO has created an avenue for local citizens to express their support and appreciation of officers through financial donations and volunteer efforts.

Community Support

FBCSO hopes to build a strong bridge between the community and our county law enforcement officers at the Benton County Sheriff's Office.

Our county law enforcement officers put their lives on the line serving all of us in Benton County. They operate on a limited budget, doing the best they can with the monies allotted them. FBCSO aims to foster community support for our officers by thanking them for their service.

Our officers put their lives on the line 24/7, patrolling and protecting us and all we hold dear in our community. Thanks to them, our safety and freedom are assured. Yet they and their families rarely receive the recognition and appreciation they deserve. Let’s let them know that in Benton County, we value those who serve in local law enforcement!

Say "Thanks" to Our Benton County Law Enforcement Officers

These donations make a real and direct difference to Benton County Sheriff’s Officers every day.